Getting Started

Clean Lens

Always use a lens cloth to clean your camera lens before taking photos to ensure clear, sharp images. You don't want to scratch your lens using a t-shirt or abraisive cloth. Napkins are your lens' enemy! They scratch and no one wants their lenses scratched. Think of your sunglasses, treat your lens with even more care.

Composition Tips

Rule of Thirds

Turn on gridlines on your camera and then place key elements along the gridlines or at their intersections to create more visual interest in photos.
Practice Idea: Take photos of various subjects, placing them at different points on the grid. Compare the compositions to see which ones are more visually appealing.

Lighting Tips

Golden Hour

Golden hour is shortly after sunrise or before sunset, for soft, warm light. Shooting during these hours gives you the most flattering lighting for portraits and intriguing landscapes!

Client Experiences

Emily // Monterey Bay

Laura took my family photos and I was so happy with them I reached out to her to take my daughters sweet sixteen photos. She found the perfect location with the background my daughter wanted. The photos turned out beautiful. We love them!


Available for hire in the east bay and beyond. Previous travels include, Hawaii, The Bahamas, Mexico, New Yotk, Las Angeles and many more. Contact us for an overseas quote.

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